


Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations

H&C Considerations

Who is this program for?

You may use this application to apply for permanent residence from within Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds (H&C) if you:

  • are a foreign national currently living in Canada;
  • need an exemption from one or more requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) or Regulations in order to apply for permanent residence within Canada;
  • believe humanitarian and compassionate considerations justify granting the exemption(s) you need; and
  • are not eligible to apply for permanent residence from within Canada in any of these classes:
    • Spouse or Common-Law Partner;
    • Live-in Caregiver;
    • Caregivers: caring for children or people with high medical needs;
    • Protected Person and Convention Refugees; and
    • Temporary Resident Permit Holder


Who may not use this application?

You may not apply for H&C consideration if you:

  • are a Canadian citizen,
  • a permanent resident,
  • have submitted an H&C application for which a decision has not been made
  • have an outstanding refugee claim,
  • became a designated foreign national within the last 5 years
#DYK – Applying for H&C consideration is an exceptional measure – it is not simply another means of applying for permanent resident status in Canada!

Contact us today to assess your eligibility!