Work permits
Working in Canada
Authorization to work
Work is any activity that:
- you are paid to do, or
- you are not paid to do but is a job that:
- you would usually be paid for, or
- would be a valuable work experience for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (for example, an unpaid intern).
Pay includes money or commission:
- an employer gives you,
- you receive for a service, or
- you receive for any other activity
You usually need a work permit to work in Canada
What is a Work Permit?
A work permit is
- a written authorization to work in Canada
- issued by an officer
- to a person who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada
- It is required if the employment location is in Canada, whether or not the employer is in Canada
There are different kinds of work permits:
An open work permit allows you to work for any Canadian employer in any occupation, providing flexibility and the ability to work experience
A closed work permit allows you to work only for a specific employer at a specific location at a specific role.
These work permits may be based on positive LMIA, LMIA exempt or issued under bilateral treaties like NAFTA.
Following foreign nationals may work in Canada without a work permit :
- Athlete or Coach
- Aviation Accident or Incident Investigator
- Business Visitors
- Civil Aviation Inspector
- Convention Organizer
- Crew Member
- Emergency Service Provider
- Examiner and Evaluator
- Expert Witness or Investigator
- Foreign Government Officer or Representative
- Healthcare Student
- Judge, Referee, or similar official
- Military Personnel
- News Reporter or Film and Media Crew
- Producer or Staff Member Working on Advertisements
- Performing Artist
- Public Speaker
- Religious Leader
- Short-term work and 120-day work for researchers
Contact us today to assess your eligibility!